For the face

For the body

for the soul

Holistic Beauty, Health and Healing

A truly holistic approach to health and beauty involves assessing every aspect of the person; the mind, body and emotions. So, when you come to me for a treatment, whatever it might be, I will work to renew your balance and restore your wellbeing by looking at each of these aspects and their interdependencies with one another, evaluating their relationship at every level to ensure that I find the right balance for you.

My aim is not only to give you the best ever treatment, but also some tools and tips to help make your life more balanced and enjoyable.

Bach Flower Remedies

The eminent homeopath and bacteriologist Dr Edward
Bach discovered these exquisite remedies in the 1920s.
They consist of 38 homoeopathically prepared plant- and
flower-based tonics, each specially formulated to treat a
specific negative emotion.

They work by stimulating the body’s own capacity to
heal itself, by balancing negative feelings, so you can take
control, feel good about yourself and get more out of life.

Initial consultation
plus personalised mixed remedy: £105.00

Personalised Remedy only: £28.00

Individual Remedies: £6.95

Kathleen has multiple qualifications and accreditations including:

Kathleen only works with world class products and treatments including: